
TOWIE: James Lock defends foul-mouthed rows with Yazmin Oukhellou

TOWIE: James Lock defends foul-mouthed rows with Yazmin Oukhellou
TOWIE: James Lock defends foul-mouthed rows with Yazmin Oukhellou
TOWIE: James Lock defends foul-mouthed rows with Yazmin Oukhellou
James has DEFENDED his foul-mouthed rows to girlfriend Yazmin Oukhellou on TOWIE to The Sun, after some show watchers even called for him to be sacked.

from Tvshowbiz | Mail Online
via IFTTT James has DEFENDED his foul-mouthed rows to girlfriend Yazmin Oukhellou on TOWIE to The Sun, after some show watchers even called for him to be sacked.
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April 19, 2018 at 09:59PM
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April 20, 2018 at 12:41AM
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April 20, 2018 at 09:41AM
TOWIE: James Lock defends foul-mouthed rows with Yazmin Oukhellou TOWIE: James Lock defends foul-mouthed rows with Yazmin Oukhellou Reviewed by Michael on Friday, April 20, 2018 Rating: 5

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