
The Bachelorette: Elly Miles confirms she is moving to Queensland to be with Frazer Neate

The 26-year-old nurse, who lives in Sydney, confirmed to Hit Queensland's Cliffo and Gabi on Friday she would be moving to Brisbane to be with her 28-year-old boyfriend

from TV & showbiz | Mail Online
via IFTTT The 26-year-old nurse, who lives in Sydney, confirmed to Hit Queensland's Cliffo and Gabi on Friday she would be moving to Brisbane to be with her 28-year-old boyfriend
The Bachelorette: Elly Miles confirms she is moving to Queensland to be with Frazer Neate The Bachelorette: Elly Miles confirms she is moving to Queensland to be with Frazer Neate Reviewed by Michael on Friday, November 06, 2020 Rating: 5

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